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  Website Information

This document refers to the options accessible by clicking your "Configure" menu item in your top menu when you are logged on as administrator, then clicking the "Website Information" header item to expand the options.

Website information is some generic information used by all publicly accessible tool. This section includes:

  • website title
  • website description
  • homepage content
  • Facebook share image

Website Title. This is the title of the site specific to the tool. For example, if you using the Q&A tool, you might title the website "My Company Support and Sales Site". However, if you are setting these in the custom webpages tool, you might just want to stick with your organization name.

This title will appear in several places throughout the tool (including e-mails) depending on the tool, as well as serve as the "title" tag for the website. This means that it will appear in the browser tab, and show as the title when searched on the Internet. In addition, this is used as the title for the "Share" feature that is optionally included in some tools—so when people share your site by social media, this is the title they see.

Every tool that has this option needs a title. Those tools that do not have this option, usually have a field for organization name that is used for the title.

Website Description. This is the description specific to the tool. This should be very brief—usually about once sentence that summarizes the site. This is used by search engines and when sharing the site via social media. You want to try to include keywords in this description.

This field is not mandatory, but certainly suggested it be completed.

Home Page Content. This is the custom HTML that appears on your tool's home page. This appears before the content of the tool, so you generally want to keep this suscinct. This uses the HTML editor. For details on this, see How To Use the HTML Editor.

This field is optional. Many sites do not need homepage content, as it may be a distraction from the tool's content.

Facebook Share Image. This the image that will be used by Facebook whenever someone shares your website. If you don't upload a large enough image here (suggested 1200px wide x 627px tall) then Facebook will grab any image from your site, which is not what most people want. By defining this image, you can design the perfect marketing image for sharing. Here is one of the images I created for one of my sites:

This field is optional, but it is a good idea to use it.

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