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Things You Can Do To Increase the Chances Your Website Will Succeed

Of course, there are many factors that go into a website's success. Some of these include a great idea, well-written copy, great design, and even better marketing. With the DoWellWebTools platform, there are many features built in that, when used effectively, can greatly increase the odds that your site will succeed. This is an list of those things that you can do. Not all sites will benefit from all of these ideas, but all sites will benefit by implementing at least some of them.


Use Popular Social Media Sites to Share Content Related To Your Website

Go where there people are—social media. If you are running a web-empire with multiple websites, you may want to have just a single social media account with each social media site for all of your websites, choose to have one for each, or combine some. It is not easy maintaining many accounts, so if the content is all somewhat related, it is suggested that you combine accounts for simplicity and efficiency.

The first thing you want to do is open an account on each social media platform that will work with your website. Some of the popular ones (as of this writing) are

Once you open accounts for these, note the URL to your account, and add it in all your tools in the "Configure" area under the "Social Media" tab. Then, make sure you create and share content often!


Create/Use an Attractive Theme and Header Image

Design is hugely important when it comes to presenting information via a website. If you don't have an eye for design, do not attempt to create your own theme. Our platform comes with dozens of pre-made themes by graphic designers—colors which go together well. If you don't have graphic design experience, consider hiring someone else to design your header image for you (we offer this service). When your site is designed, run it by some people you trust will be honest with you, and get their feedback. A poor design can turn away many potential users, while a good design can attract many more.


Plan Out Your Menus

Think about all of your tools and pages being used in your website, and add them to the menu in such a way so that the important items are visable and easy to find. Think about the user experience and how they will be navigating your website. Be sure to try your site in another web-browser where you are not logged in, and experience your website from the public's perspective.


Use Live Chat

The live chat feature in the Q&A tool can be a great way to increase business by providing excellent sales and service to your prospects and customers. The admin screen for the chat is mobile-ready, and the text notifications make it possible for your to monitor the chat without being in front of your computer all the time.


Use Banners / Sponsor Messages

Use the banners and sponsor messages within your own websites to promote your own products.


Promote Your Websites in Your E-mail Signature

Update your e-mail signature to reflect your websites. If you have many websites, create a single page that has links and brief descriptions to all of your websites. Be sure to update your signature on all of your devices that send e-mail.

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