Take the Online Course: How To Create Your Own Web Empire

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  How To Assign Administrators and Moderators

Once your web empire starts to grow, the chances are that you will need help. This is where assigning special access comes in handy. In addition to administrators and moderators, there are also "instructors" for the online course tool. Instructors and moderators are essentially the same thing—registered users with special access, but not as much access as administrator access.


Assign Administrator Access

In the tool that you want to give a registered user admin access to, click on the "Configure" tab and then the "Administrator Access" section header. You will see all the current registered users available to be selected. Select the users that you want to be administrators. This is a multiple select tool, meaning that to select more than one, you hold the control key and select the name. Once selected, click the "Configure" button at the bottom of the page.


  Important Note!

Administrator, moderator, and instructor access is local, that is, it is only for the specific tool. If you want more than one adminisrator for your entire web empire, let us know and we can add more administrators for you in the back end.


Assign Moderator or Instructor Access

In tools such as the Blog and Question and Answer tool, you will find moderator access. For each tool that has this access, the priveldges associated with the access differ and are explained next to the selection box. Follow the instructions above to select one or more moderators.

Instructor access is specific for the Online Course tool, and can be found in the Course Setup section of that tool.

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