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Task MAnager

The Task Manager is the ideal tool for managing long-term and short-term goals. Anything from daily tasks (e.g., take out the garbage, go to the store, exercise) to major life goals (e.g. write a book, launch your own business, lose 30 pounds, etc.).

The Task Manager is based the psychological principle that operate in blocks of time. For about 20 minutes, most of us can fully concentrate on virtually any given task. After about 20 minutes, our focus, and often motivation, tends to drop. By creating multiple task categories, you can switch your efforts and restore your focus when needed. The Task Manger provides a visual representation of total task time in 20 blocks, so you can literally see where you are in terms of reaching your monthly goals. At the end of a month of using the Task Manager, you will find that you have been far more productive than ever before.


Possible Uses

  • Use as an online todo list
  • Use as a project management system
  • Parents can monitor and edit the Task Manger's of their children
  • Managers can can monitor and edit the Task Manger's of their employees
  • Coaches can use to keep clients motivated


  • limit access
  • unlimited users per tool
  • visual representation of goals and tasks
  • connect your account with your clients' (as coach), your childs' (as a parent), or your employees' (as a manager)
  • task list
  • task reminders can be sent to user's e-mail and/or cell phone via text message
  • note area for each task category
  • set one time, daily, weekly, and monthly tasks
  • timer helps keep track of tasks
  • "forgive" feature allows tasks to be started mid-month

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